Political text messaging is your campaign’s modern-day door knocking. It is key in a successful political campaign and transforms how you connect with your voters and constituents. Political texts give you direct contact with the voter and enable you to not only understand their needs but market your campaign promises. Over 90% of American households have cellphones, and more than half of those households only have cell phones as a source for telecommunication.

A simple text from a volunteer in your campaign is much more personal than a mass email sent to thousands of people. Text messages have a 99% open rate. Through SendHub, campaign members can go back and forth on real issues with potential voters by a simple SMS – just like texting a friend.

An article from the Washington Post wrote about Aimebrooke Miller, a volunteer for political candidate Bernie Sanders who said when voters learn there’s a human being behind the bubble of text, “they completely change how they talk with us.” From the same article, Democratic Strategist, Betsy Hoover said, “Home addresses are harder to find. People aren’t answering their phones.” but “everyone reads their text messages.”

Political text messaging also alleviates time, energy and dollars spent on traditional door-knocking and mailers. According to a study by two political scientists in California, mailers have little to no effect on persuading voters – the reality is that campaign mailers are usually looked at briefly and then thrown away – especially within younger demographics.

P2P Political Text Messaging

P2P (peer to peer) texting is cost-effective through SendHub and helps avoid any issues on SMS compliance. It allows for actual human interaction between the campaign and the potential voter – with a 99% open rate if a voter knows that the message is coming from a real person, they are more likely to respond and have a conversation.

SendHub’s easy-to-use SMS platform allows your campaign to have its own dedicated number and message voters all around the country. You and your team can message voters P2P (person to person) to avoid issues with SMS compliance. There are a variety of ways your campaign can use P2P texting to its benefit; here are some examples:

“Hi Jake, this is Rahul from the Arnold James for CA State Assembly Campaign. Can we count on your support this November? If you’d like any more info on the campaign, please reply, we want to hear from you.”

“Hi Natalia! Don’t forget, the Arnold James for CA State Assembly Virtual Kickoff is tomorrow night from 6pm-7pm. We hope to see you there, here’s the link to join the video call [insert link].”

“Emily, this is Sam from the James for CA State Assembly campaign, we are only $20,000 away from our goal. Can we count on your support? Any amount will make a difference; please head on over to [website name] to donate.”

Political Text Messaging Example

Want more ideas on how to use political text messaging for your campaign? Read our 10 Reasons Political Campaigns Use Text Messages & Examples article.

Toll-Free Numbers for Political Text Messaging

SendHub also offers toll-free messaging, which is excellent for high volume text messaging. Additionally, a toll-free number lets you create text-to-join keywords, perfect for voters to opt-in for messages on campaign updates, voting information, ways to volunteer and more. Here are some great ways to advertise your toll-free number:

“Join the movement! Text JAMES2020 to 408-321-4545 to opt-in for updates from the Arnold James for CA State Assembly campaign!”

“Want to volunteer? Text AJ2020 to 408-321-4545 to opt-in for volunteer info and alerts!”

“Hey Sara, thanks for your donation to the Arnold James for CA State Assembly Campaign! Your support means the world to us. Text JAMES2020 to 408-321-4545 to opt-in for weekly updates and event information from the campaign”

You can advertise this information anywhere, such as:

  • Posters
  • Lawn Signs
  • Pamphlets
  • Websites
  • Email
  • Texts

Join Today!

SendHub is your one-stop-shop for political text messaging! Watch voter connection increase by revolutionizing your campaign strategy by introducing SMS. Sign up for a demo today or contact our Sales Team and we’d be happy to help.

Want to learn more about political text messaging or have any immediate questions? Feel free to contact us and we’ll be in touch with you soon!


What are the key benefits of using a political text messaging service in campaigns?

It enables direct voter engagement, rapid dissemination of information, and personalized communication for campaign promotion.

How can political campaigns ensure compliance with regulations in text messaging?

Ensure adherence to legal guidelines, obtain explicit consent from recipients, and provide clear opt-out options in every message.


What makes political text messaging effective in reaching younger voters?

Text messaging resonates with younger demographics who prefer quick, digital communication, increasing engagement and participation.

Can political text messaging be used for fundraising purposes?

Yes, it’s an effective tool for fundraising by sending donation requests and links directly to supporters’ mobile phones.